Thursday, January 10, 2008

Day Two

Well, after 24 hours in braces, I’ve learned that eating isn’t much fun yet.  Of everything I’ve tried to ingest, pudding is the easiest.  Good thing I like pudding! :-#  A poptart was the worst, but that was just my own hungry stupidity – why did I think it would mush easily?  Silly me…

I was really worried that talking would be an issue.  I had a retainer briefly in college (when I first considered braces – oh, how I wish I’d done it then!) and could hardly utter a syllable.  I think it’s my tiny mouth.  But this isn’t so bad.  I’ve talked a lot less than I normally do (and funnily no one has complained…) but everything seems to be coming out OK. Phew!

My teeth are starting to get sore, so I assume they are moving a little already…no major scrapes or cuts on my cheeks or lips yet, just a little tingle on my bottom lip – it feels like I’ve been chewing on it.  I’ve got my wax on hand in case this all changes, but so far so good.


laura said...

Wait till you try pizza crust. I can still barely eat the darn stuff. And beware tough meat. It sucks when you forget and think you can tear off a bite with your teeth.

nabukay said...

it gets better. i had pizza this evening at primi piatti and it was good. i can eat meat now and even cookies sometimes, the really hard ones. but my teeth have moved alot in the past month and are really sensitive so i can't eat meat sometimes. it gets better. i was eating chicken after a 6 days so don't panic...