Friday, May 8, 2009


Surgery went well, I'm told. Pretty swollen and stiff today. I was
discharge from the hospital at about 1:30 and then had to stop by my
surgeon's office for a quick checkup.

I'm on the mini laptop in bed, but as soon as I feel up to digging my
camera out my bag, I'll post a few photos...a couple of Happy Aimee
with her last cheeseburger and a couple of me in the hospital, pre and
post op. I am so swollen, I look like Cameron Priness
Fiona from Shrek! One the bruising kicks in and the color is correct,
Ill be totally Fiona-fied!

Aimeé Owen

Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but your living room. ~Kurt Vonnegut


Aimee said...

Congrats on being on the other side! I'm 9 days post-op. Every day gets better. Good luck!

stephanie said...

Congrats!! Can't wait to see pictures. I'm so glad surgery went well.


Anonymous said...

Just been reading your blog, I had the same surgery on wednesday 6th so know what you're going through. Feel really swollen and numb. how are you feeling today? lisa