Thursday, May 21, 2009

2 Week Check-up

Just returned from my second visit with Dr. Desa, post-surgery. He said I look fabulous (well, those are my words) and that my bite is great. I can ditch the outer-most rubber bands that I was wearing, and just wear the two up front. I had told him that the two outer ones kept disappearing during the night - either snapping or slipping off. He said I didn't need them. Yea! As for food, I will continue to drink my breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the next two weeks, then start in on the soft foods for two weeks and then I should be good to eat most anything (avoiding super hard stuff, but I do that anyway because of the braces). I have another checkup in two weeks and four weeks...

My main complaint today is that my eye is watering. I'm assuming it's because I'm still a little puffy under the eyes and so the near contact is causing me to tear up. It's not all the time, but when it does happen, it's freaking annoying! :P Oh, well...

It's been a lovely day really. I had my first cup of coffee in two weeks (and spilled most of it on my shirt), but had enough energy and time to really get some stuff done - laundry, gardening, other yardwork, sorting through papers and picking up my's been nice to feel almost normal!

As you can see here (aside from my lovely gardening sunburn), I'm still a little swollen in the nose and cheeks, but not nearly as bad as before. The feeling is coming back as well. I am still numb in the lips, chip, nose, and parts of my cheeks (mainly the center of my face) but everything is tingling away and I don't think it will be that much longer. I want my lips back - the whole food and drink on chin thing is getting old!


stephanie said...

You're looking so fantastic!!

And YAY coffee!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you look amazing! you don't look swollen at all! that's fantastic. so glad to hear you're doing well and the feeling is coming back. i'm tingling a lot too and starting to get a teeny bit of feeling back in the numb areas. We'll get there!