Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I'm turning yellow...

I'm attempting to smile in this one. Can you tell?


holski said...

You look great! =)

Anonymous said...

hi! so good to hear from someone going through the same thing! i have some nice yellowness too so you're not alone.

sorry to hear you are feeling grumpy. i'm not feeling so great tonight, it seems lot more painful today and i feel more swollen especially around the upper lips but my housemate assures me it is better than yesterday.

Only took some photo's for the first time tonight so will be able to keep track better from now on! looking pretty miserable in the photo's!

Thanks for the tip re the saline nose spray, i'll try and get some of that tomorrow :-)

Got any other good tips? my good intentions for getting out for a walk today went to pot and laziness won. must admit i am enjoying daytime tv and not being at work - every cloud has a silver line ;-)

hope you're feeling a bit better tomorrow

stephanie said...

You are turning yellow! But it looks like your swelling is going down a bit? Hope you are feeling better - thinking about you!