Saturday, February 2, 2008

There will be Braces

I've had my first orthodontic mishap.

Just as my sweetie and I were settling in to our seats for the nearly-3-hour flick "There Will Be Blood", I noticed that something felt...wrong.  A run of my tongue over my braces alerted me to the fact that the arch wire on the back left side was extra springy today - it was out of the bracket.  I willed myself to just leave it alone until we got home, but man did that make for a long movie!

Now, as far as I can tell, the offending bracket (on my back molar) doesn't have a "door" like the ones on the other teeth do (these are the Damon braces of course) - the wire just seems to slip underneath.  So...I managed to slip the wire back under and am hoping for the best.  If it doesn't come back out before Monday, I'll call it good, but if it does, I'm off to the ortho for a repair.  It doesn't feel exactly stable, but I'm kind of wondering if it did before or if I just never paid that much attention to it.

Of course, this is on my "good chewing side" (I'm a lefty), so this is already dimming my mood as we head out the door to a food-laden birthday party...  Grrr...

Anyone else have this problem with the back bracket?  Any advice would be appreciated!


nabukay said...

hi anada, i recently had a situation like that and they had to redo my whole bottom jaw. its not a major problem but its good to get it checked out because you don't want to slow down your treatment. it sounds like you are adjusting well. good for you. :#

stephanie said...

Yes - the first day in my new wire after the bracket-coming-off mishap, that happened to me. They said to stick it back into the hole that the last bracket has - since it doesn't have a door, it has a slot for the wire.