I have been avoiding toast because I figured it would be too crunchy. If I can’t bite into bread crust, surely toasted bread would be worse, right? Nope! Phew! I love toasted bread, especially toasted locally-baked sourdough bread with a healthy smear of butter… and it likes me! Toasting it made it easier to eat, to my pleasant surprise. Yea!
And now on to my Paranoid Orthodontic Fear of the Week: does any one have any issues when eating Girl Scout Cookies? I ordered several boxes without even thinking about the fact that I was getting braces, and I know they will be delivered soon. Finding out that I can’t eat them is likely to cause a bigger meltdown that the thought of going without Valentine’s Day chocolates… I don’t normally eat a lot of cookies or other junk food (and I don’t consider chocolate a junk food – I’m thinking more like baked treats and other packaged crap, not chocolate). Oreos in particular occurred to me as a real no-no for braces. Just look at what they do to unadorned teeth! So my concern is whether Thin Mints and Tagalongs will cause the same problems… I sincerely hope not. If I must, I will just indulge privately where no one can see the mess they create! J
I realized the other day that it’s been a good six weeks since I said I’d post photos of myself with the new bling…and I’ve totally spaced on it! I got some pics back from our belly dance troupe photographer last night. We had a “hafla” this weekend (a belly dance party) and she took some pictures of me dancing. Ugh. Not only did the light totally wash me out, but The Braces do NOT photograph well. If I could get any less photogenic, they could use my picture to scare mice away… BUT, for you my braces friends, and for the sake of being a total masochist, I will try to remember to post the least bad of these, as well as the ones I took when I first got bonded, just as soon as I’m home for more than 5 minutes…
Here's my trick - break the cookies into bite-sized bits and get them to the back of your mouth asap if you're eating them in public. I reckon it's biting directly into things with your front teeth that gets people into braces-mess trouble.
I do the same thing with EVERYTHING, break it up into small pieces and put it in. I very seldom use my front teeth to bite anything.
Can't wait to see the pics!
funny! I did the same thing - ordered girl scout cookies, forgetting I was getting braces - they were delivered yesterday, and DUDE were they hard to eat. I did the same thing as the other gals, broke them up into tiny little pieces and ate slowly.
hi ananda, the ladies gave you good advice. i've had my braces almost 6 months and have actually started biting into things so i guess it comes with time. can't wait to see your pics!
I'm glad I found your blog - I'm adding it as a link from mine.
I'm a belly dancer, too. I've found my braces don't really show up in photographs, but I have the porcelain ones on top.
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