Monday, March 3, 2008

changes and self-consciousness

I’ve had The Braces for oh, 54 days, and apparently there are some noticeable changes.  Enough for people to comment, at least.  My dear husband keeps saying that he can tell a huge different in my top front teeth, but I usually suspect him of being overly enthusiastic about everything.  So today this lady I work with stopped by my desk and told me that, while staring at my profile in a meeting last week, she noticed that my “front teeth don’t stick out like they used to.”.  Um, thanks?  I know she meant it to be nice and all, but it struck me as akin to telling someone who’d lost weight “Gee, you’re not as fat as you used to be.”  While true, it doesn’t make the person feel that good – did I look that bad before??? 


I’m having a rather self-conscious day.  Not only do I have braces, and people commenting on how my teeth aren’t nearly as ugly as they were, but I’m struggling through the middle of an upper respiratory infection and a bout of facial dermatitis – my face is bright red and feels like it’s on fire.  Yea.  And the nice lady at work pointed that out too.  The cold is making me whiney, and I’d love to rest my face on my hand and sigh, but it hurts too much.  I think I’m going to go home and have myself a pity-party with some ice cream and Robitussin… Sorry for the whining…


3 more days until the first new arch wire… J  And the arrival of my Girl Scout Cookies!


stephanie said...

Yay for archwires!

I completely understand what you're saying about when people comment about teeth like that. The self-conciousness will pass.

And if it doesn't, the girl scout cookies will make you feel better :)

holski said...

Hey Ananda,
I'm new to the orthoblog scene and have been reading your blog. Feel free to stop by and take a look at mine! in response to your post.. people said that to me ALL the time when I first got braced up. It was a little annoying also because they'd said things like, "your two front teeth are not sticking out as much... they're really getting pushed back!" I wanted to shake them and say... you are wrong! the rest of my teeth are just coming forward!!! Whenever I did decide to say this, people looked confused. I guess I can't expect everyone to understand and analyse my particular case as much as I do!! Other than that though, most people have been very understanding and sensitive. =) Looking forward to reading your posts!

laura said...

LOL what are people thinking. I can understand how the teeth comment was meant to be nice, but the face one! "Ohai did you know ur face is red?" Argh.

I go bright red with even the slightest exertion and it seriously annoys me when people make comments.

I hope it clears up quick. And the teeth - hooray that they're moving! I can't think of anything else good to say about braces right now =)