Thursday, August 27, 2009

nothing much

Thanks are quiet in my braces-covered world.  Or, mainly, I’ve just gotten whiny and haven’t wanted to fill a blog with complaints.  I’m ready for this to be over!  I know its just a few months more, but man, it’s dragging.  What’d’ya do, though, right?  Just wait…


Chin and lower lip are still pretty numb.  Occasional tingles and I do notice when I managed to bite my lip instead of my sandwich, but otherwise, nothing. 


Sigh…OK, I’m logging off before I get too Debbie Downer about this again!  Hope everyone is having a great week!

1 comment:

nabukay said...

hey i know how that feels when you are just fed up and feel like you can't take it anymore. just hang in there cos it is so worth it when they finally come off. trust me on this. besides even though it feels like it, three months is not as long as you think! good luck!