Friday, April 11, 2008

minor irritation

I’ve got some irritated gums, just on the top right side of my mouth.  It seems to be minor; I only just now noticed after brushing up post-lunch…  I hope it’s nothing serious!  I have a dentist appointment in about 4 weeks, and I’m praying that my streak of no-cavities checkups continues unmarred now that I’m in braces.  I haven’t had a cavity since high school.  I’ve got good teeth – they’re just kind of ugly. J 

A week or so ago, I was experiencing another kind of tooth pain – a weird every-now-and-then oh-my-god-that-hurts throb along the left side of my mouth.  When I described it to my husband, he told me I’d described the pain he gets before needing a root canal!!!  It has since disappeared…for good I hope.  Is it me, or does everytime your mouth hurt feel like the first time?  Like, you don’t recognize the pain as a kind you’ve felt before?  I’m guessing that’s what happened – I’ve probably felt that same sensation several times and just didn’t recognize it…  That’s the theory I’m going with at least – it seems to be the least scary!


Ooh, and on the progress front, I’ve noticed that the space between my bottom 1st molars and my wisdom teeth has closed significantly.  I’m not getting crap stuck in there nearly as much!  Heck, they can take the braces off right now!  That was definitely high on my list of things to fix…


Katherine (Kate) said...

Hear you, Lady!

I'm definately NOT a dentist, but having weird pains in different spots seems to be kind of normal. between teeth & gums being more sensitive due to extra metal and irritation, to the fact that roots ARE moving and due to create discomfort. I think we become so hyper vigilant about each new sensation it can drive you a little batty!!

I have a couple of spots that bug me once in a while & the first thought is "NO!!! Not a cavity!!!" and it turns out to be nothing. Get's me every time, though! :)

holski said...

This is the story of my life! =) hahaha. I can't really ease your mind at all, because I worry about this type of thing all the time. BUT, I can say that hearing you've experienced the same thing, eases my mind and makes me think it may be more normal than we all think. And of course Katherine's comment (as always) has made me feel better!

Katherine said...

I get weird root canal pain, too. And I've had 2 root canals, so at first, it really freaked me out. Then I realized that about a day after a pain episode some key movement had occurred. Now I call it progress. :)

nabukay said...

i think my teeth are sensitive and painful so much of the time that when there is no pain i am startled! lol.

Michelle said...

I hear you too. Just earlier this week I had this sharp shooting pain in my bottom left molar, now... nothing. Weird. I like to think they are just super sensitive from being moved around so much. Maybe that's their way of saying, enough already!