Friday, December 21, 2007


19 days to go before I get “the braces”.  I’m starting to panic a little.  I wish it were over with already!  And I haven’t heard one way or another about the surgical pre-authorization from my insurance.  I don’t have a lot of experience with insurance companies…I don’t know if this is normal or not…


Does everyone get this nervous, or am I the lone freak?


1 comment:

laura said...

I do, sometimes.

With the insurance, I think it's normal for them to be slow. My surgeon hasn't even put the forms through yet. He said that because my teeth meet right now, they won't approve it. We have to wait for the braces to make my bite bad enough before they'll maybe agree to fix it. But the orthodontist's strategy is based on the assumption that I'm having surgery, so if they don't approve it then I'll have to pay for it myself. HA HAHAHA!

Wow. Perhaps I should be nervous.