Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas

Hope everyone had a happy holiday!  My first braced Christmas didn’t get in the way of me chowing down on everything in sight… J 


I do have a sore tooth, though.  My front-most right side tooth hurts really bad.  (Someday I should learn the technical names for all my teethies, but oh well).  I didn’t have too much pain after I got my new wires a couple of weeks back, but I also developed a nasty sinus infection and was on a ton of Advil, so that’s probably why I didn’t feel anything.  Distraction! J

1 comment:

Katherine (Kate) said...

Merry Christmas to you, too!

Boo~ hope that sinus infection clears up in a hurry so you can go back to enjoying the discomfort of progress~ distraction-free :)